Thursday, October 21, 2010

The printer on the news...

Hi Guys,

I am extremely happy with the news all over the world about the printer results, many translations, including in my country (Brazil)...

If you want to see the links, please google Junior Veloso 3d

I have some great results and news to share soon... keep following the blog...



In Portuguese/ em Portugues

Oi Pessoal,

Obrigado pelos acessos ao blog, moro em Cingapura ha varios anos e fico feliz em ver as noticias em diversos blogs e sites no Brasil.




  1. Olá!
    Sou do blog
    você fez um comentário lá!
    Se possível mande novidades da impressora para meu e-mail, ok?

  2. Hey I was wondering if you have any build details or schematics of your rapid prototyper. I would love to build one myself. Thanks

  3. Oi, Junior. Sou do UOL e gostaria de conversar com vc. Pode me mandar um e-mail com os contatos, por favor? Obrigada, Juliana

  4. My god. Your machine is awsome
    can you tech us how to build one?
    i really hope i could have this thing

  5. Hello Junior, congratulations on your work. My name is Tine and i try to make machine as well. Could you please upload on yahoo group site .exe file as well - i am not good with SW and have problems with VB6 "encoding".. than you in advance! br tine

  6. olá julio muitos parabens pelo Seu trabalho...
    Gostava de saber que tipo de liquido é esse que usa? e se é facil de adquiri-lo...gostaria de reconverter a minha velha cnc caseira numa 3dprinter como a sua.. pode me ajudar?

    ja agora queria deixar um ideia/sujestao
    ja experimentou usar um pico dlp-laser da microvision ou da axaa l1...
    a luz de laser podera acelarar o processo de cura?

    por favor responda para o email:

  7. ja agora de dizer
    A casio tambem tem um projector dlp-laser
    que de certeza que o ira ajudar a uma melhor cura...
    sao projectores que tem melhor nitidez e emiçao da luz...

    grato pela sua arençao

  8. wow !
    that's simply brilliant!
    any chance to share some more details about the construction? materials, motor controller...
    Thank you !

  9. Excellent work Junior, truly amazing. I look forward to hearing more about the progress of your project. I was going to buy a similar technology printer, but after seeing your blog, I think I'll make one :)


  10. Jonior, It looks wonderful. I want to use it right away, how can I receive additional information? Can you please contact me at ? Thanks.


About the Project

I have been dreaming about having a 3D Printer at home for many years, but the ones with good quality are not affordable and the low costs just deliver poor quality. Sounds crazy but I decided to build a high resolution 3D Printer by myself at home (people actually said that I was crazy and this was impossible). The funny thing I never saw this type of machines in real life, and still haven’t seen one besides the one I built.

Now that I succeed building the first prototype, the target is to bring this low cost 3D Printer to every home, so we are developing the first affordable one with high resolution.

I hope you enjoy our blog, follow us and you can have this printer in your home soon.